Do you practice good business etiquette? Have you ever lost a client and didn’t know why? Have you ever forgotten a person’s name two minutes after being introduced? When many people think of business etiquette, they think of which fork to use at a business lunch or what is appropriate to wear to a business meeting, but although these questions are important to know the answers of, it’s merely the tip of the iceberg. Business etiquette is more about respect than formality and can have a significant effect on the bottom line.

You only have a few seconds to make a good first impression, whether you’re meeting a prospective client or networking with power players within your industry. How you or your employees present themselves affects not only your reputation, but also your company’s image and a mastery of business etiquette can help even the smallest businesses hold their own against their larger and more high-profile competitors. There are many benefits of business etiquette that, when learned, can become business tools that can be used throughout your career.

Do you think you could you benefit from business etiquette training?

If you are not sure take a look at the top benefits of Business Etiquette.

1. Enhances Impression

• People judge you and your business on how you carry yourself in social and professional situations. If you don’t know the proper way to shake someone’s hand or offer your business card, people might question your business skills.
• By observing proper business etiquette, you suggest to fellow professionals that you’re on their level. You also portray yourself as someone who is confident and at ease, both in the boardroom and when meeting with people one-on-one.

2. Enriches Workplace Relations

• With its focus on respect for others, business etiquette can pave the way for a collaborative and civilised corporate culture.
• Many basic business etiquette rules are actually common courtesies e.g.
o not checking your email or phone during meetings
o answering your phone when someone is talking to you
o barging into other people’s offices unannounced
o talking loudly all the time
o using a speakerphone unless you have a private office.
• Additionally, abiding by etiquette principles can eliminate some of the distractions associated with the workplace, such as gossip or personality clashes. It also ensures workplace relationships stay professional and that colleagues don’t blur the line between work and personal life or allow their personal feelings to affect their workplace behaviour.

3. Promotes Business Growth

• A little business etiquette knowledge can open up several professional doors.
• Potential clients and associates will often judge you as much on your soft skills as they will your business savvy.
• Someone skilled in communication and comfortable in a wide range of professional situations will inspire trust more easily than someone who isn’t.
• When you observe business etiquette principles you will know how to handle yourself both in high-stakes meetings and at business lunches, you’ll impress people with your versatility and people skills.

4. Endorses your Personal Brand

• Yes the products & services you offer are extremely important, but your/your staff’s business etiquette and behaviour of you employees is just as essential.
• People gravitate toward those who project self-confidence and success and knowing the appropriate business etiquette guidelines will allow you to display more of these qualities and exude a powerful personal brand.
• Being noticed for your great business etiquette skills is a sure way to get recognised and moved up the ladder.

A lack of business etiquette will limit your potential, harm your personal brand, and jeopardise relationships that are fundamental to business success. Making your customers and employees comfortable with proper business etiquette is the cornerstone of a great business success model!

Connect with us today – we will tailor make a business etiquette presentation to address your company’s specific needs and challenges.


For more info on our Packaged For Success keynote/program connect with us:

USA Branch – Tel: 951 970 4347 (Haydee Antezana)
SA Branch – Tel: (011) 616 9712 / 082 3301558 (Sharon King Gabrielides)
