Could you be ruining your brand reputation because of your office eating habits?
Consider the following:
- Avoid eating offensive smelling food e.g. egg and onion sandwiches – this could be making your colleagues nauseous. They might think you’re inconsiderate when you’re actually unaware. Brush your teeth after lunch or the smell will linger on.
- Don’t eat at your desk – your chewing and lip smacking noises could be a distraction to those around you.
- If the office manager says you can help yourself to after-party leftovers, don’t fill up three Tupperware containers!
- Not only is a messy lunch desk a visual distraction but the breadcrumbs scattered on your files and your sticky keyboard is unhygienic. Did you know desks have 400 times more bacteria than toilet seats?
Abide by the Office Kitchen “commandments”:
- If you used the last coffee in the brewing pot, re-fill it so the next person doesn’t have to do.
- Don’t microwave smelly foods.
- If your spaghetti sauce splatters all over the microwave, clean it up before the next person has to use it.
- Respect the communal fridge “real estate” – don’t stack a dozen bottled waters in there.
- Don’t leave perishable foods hanging around the fridge for days e.g. a brown avocado.
- Don’t put smelly food like fish in the fridge – no one wants their fruit salad smelling fishy.
- If someone’s written their name on a yoghurt, it belongs to them – it’s not a new product brand!
- You might be on a healthy eating plan – avoid taking over the entire kitchen counter to assemble your salad/smoothie during peak times.
What is your top office eating etiquette dislike?
When observing office eating etiquette remember the golden rule – treating others with the same respect and consideration as you would like to be treated.
Stay Awesome,
For more info on our Packaged For Success keynote/program connect with us:
USA Branch – Tel: 951 970 4347 (Haydee Antezana)
SA Branch – Tel: (011) 616 9712 / 082 3301558 (Sharon King Gabrielides)